Monday, December 15, 2008

Time line

I would like to give a time line to let everyone, all one or two of you, know where we are in the process of relocating to Mzimba, Malawi.

My last day at my current job is January 23. We have to be in Richmond, VA at the International Learning Center Monday January 26. We will be there for 8 weeks. This will be a time of training and transition. We will learn many things that will help us living in a foreign and maybe even a hostile country. We will learn things that will help us transition to a society where microwaves and can openers are totally useless items.

We will complete Field Personnel Orientation (FPO) around March 27. Our on field date is April 9. This will probably very a little depending on travel. We will spend a couple of weeks in our house in Mzimba getting settled and over jet lag. We will then travel to Zambia for what is called 40/40. I haven't the foggiest why it is called that. I do know that we will spend the first few days living in a tent and then move into the home of a local family. We will sleep where they sleep, eat what they eat, help them get water, and whatever else they do on a day-to-day basis to survive. We have been told that this is the hardest part of the 40/40 four weeks in country orientation but the most rewarding. We will then move to the city where we can actually shower. Let me see. If I have my figures correct, that's 8-10 days without a shower. Oh my. I may just have to accidentally slip and fall into the pond where we will get water. Unless there are crocks present. And I am not talking about the shoes.

In the city and after a looooong shower we will experience riding the public transit system. This could be riding on the back of a bicycle, motor scooter, pickup truck, van, or bus. If it moves and they will stop it public transportation. There is even "in-transit" meals. Every time the van/bus/whatever slows or stops vendors will crowd around the windows with some sort of roasted meat on sticks. Who knows what it is. And you complain about airline food. We will also do some shopping in the open air markets. Where is Walmart when you need one?

I'm thinking this 40/40 training will end sometime in May and we should be ready to start what we came to Africa to do. I imagine by that time we will no longer be Americans but Africans. Our Area Coordinator said this training will teach us to "walk as Africans". They must have a whole different way of walking.

Prayers are certainly appreciated during the 40/40. Especially when we are handed a freshly removed goat kidney to consume sushi style. Now that will be some interesting reading for a later blog entry.

Stay tuned, the best is yet to come.


Anonymous said...

This is soooooo exciting!!! I will be praying for you all and saving my money! You will definately have to keep in touch. That sounds like exactly the kind of people group and circumstances I would LOVE to work with!!! I've been a couple weeks without a shower...I found a place where they dammed up the water and washed my hair and face in that--it felt much better :-) May the Lord bless you both!

Audrey Henley said...

O.k. I found your blog--now I'm trying to learn how to comment on it! Anyway--I'm going to try to book mark you and keep in touch somehow! We are excited for you both--cried yesterday at your commissioning. Love you!

Anonymous said...

I will be reading faithfully.


That's Awesome!Thank you for standing for Jesus Father Al and Mother Claudia.
Your input has been immeasurable and has given us a definition for life.
I'm Praying for you everyday that God will give you strength and make your efforts successful.
His grace is sufficient!
May God Almighty Richly Bless you for your thoughtfulness and desire to further the work of Christ.


That's Awesome!Thank you for standing for Jesus Father Al and Mother Claudia.
Your input has been immeasurable and has given us a definition for life.
I'm Praying for you everyday that God will give you strength and make your efforts successful.
His grace is sufficient!
May God Almighty Richly Bless you for your thoughtfulness and desire to further the work of Christ.